About Us

The Old Baldy Civil War Round Table of Philadelphia was founded in January 1977.

Old Baldy CWRT is classified as a public charity and is exempt from federal income tax under Internal Revenue Code Section 501 (c) (3).  Donations can be deducted under IRC section 170.  The Round Table is qualified to receive tax deductible bequests, devises, transfers, or gifts under Section 2055, 2106, or 2522.

Old Baldy Constitution & By-Laws (version of December 8, 2022; click link to download PDF)

Officers and Board of Directors

(Click on an email address below to send an email. Or use the general CONTACT US form.)

PresidentRichard Jankowskipresident [at] oldbaldycwrt [dot] org
Vice PresidentKathy Clarkvicepresident [at] oldbaldycwrt [dot] org
TreasurerFrank BarlettaTreasurer [at] oldbaldycwrt [dot] org
SecretaryMike BassettSecretary [at] oldbaldycwrt [dot] org
TrusteesPaul Prentisspprentissfamily [at] gmail [dot] com
Dave Gilsondgilson404 [at] gmail [dot] com
At LargeJim Countrymanjimmcman59 [at] yahoo [dot] com

Standing Committee Chairs

(Click on an email address below to send an email. Or use the general CONTACT US form.)

MembershipAmy and Dan HummelMembership [at] oldbaldycwrt [dot] org
ProgramsDave Gilsonprograms [at] oldbladycwrt [dot] org
Newsletter EditorDon Wilescwwiles [at] comcast [dot] net
WebmasterP. K. Woodwebmaster [at] oldbaldycwrt [dot] org